Pingoo.AI app

for educated

and informed patients 

The power of Generative AI

in the hands of patients.

An AI Health companion that answers medical questions with text, images and videos.

Download Pingoo for free.

Test your knowledge,

ask your questions

Pingoo is the only app that enables you to test your knowledge, ask your questions, and suggests the related topics you need to know to better manage your health.

Why is patient education important?

As a patient, it's important to take an active role in your healthcare by educating yourself about your medical condition. Self-educating can help you better understand your diagnosis, treatment options, and potential side effects. By becoming an informed patient, you can ask more informed questions and make more informed decisions about your healthcare.

This can help you feel more in control of your medical situation, which can reduce anxiety and improve your overall quality of life. Additionally, self-educating can help you communicate more effectively with your healthcare provider, allowing you to work together to develop a treatment plan that's right for you. So take the time to learn about your medical condition, ask questions, and advocate for yourself. Your health and well-being are worth it.

What poor education can cost you?

  • 20% of readmissions to hospitals are due to a lack of education about a medical condition.

  • 40 to 80 percent of the conversations had during a doctor's visit are forgotten.

Have you experienced difficulty with information that is…

  • Not Personalized

    Materials are still delivered in a one-size-fits-all.

  • Not Accessible

    Content is complex and not easily understood. Language preferences are not considered.

  • No Integration

    Information is often delivered as a separate component of healthcare, rather than being integrated into the overall care plan.

  • Not Engaging

    Although tons of videos, articles, or materials are shared, there is no gamification or engaging methods available.

  • Not Cost-Effective

    Due to the high cost of producing personalized information for each patient, it is not cost-effective to do it for each patient.

  • No Evaluation

    There is still a need for more rigorous evaluation of education programs and materials.

Pingoo AI’s Solution for you:


Bite-sized content to be used daily

On-demand, 24/7

Simplified language, no medical jargon



Available in 100 languages

Why being educated about your condition is important for you

  • Individuals with more severe or chronic conditions are more motivated to learn about their condition and engage in self-management behaviors to improve their health outcomes.

  • Individuals with more bothersome symptoms are more motivated to learn about their condition and seek out ways to manage their symptoms

  • Individuals with poor prognosis are motivated to learn about their condition and explore treatment options to improve their quality of life.

  • Individuals with complex treatment regimens are motivated to learn about their condition and become more engaged in their care to ensure they are following their treatment plan correctly.