The Alliance for the Salvation of the Diabetic Foot Peru (ALPIEPERÚ) presents:

The First Diabetic Foot Manual

written with having patients in mind!

Dra. Yudith Quispe

President ALPIPERU

The Alliance fo the Salvation of the Diabetic Foot Peru (ALPIEPERÚ) has the immense satisfaction of presenting the First Diabetic Foot Manual that has been prepared with our patients in mind, who are our reason for being and inspiration. It has been written in simple language and by widely recognized professionals in the area of diabetic foot. Prepared to be able to walk next to our patients and prevent the dreaded amputations, providing them, with the main tool that is education.

We have tried to answer the multiple questions that arise both to prevent, detect and manage the contioning factor and diabetic foot ulcers.

Dr. David G. Armstrong
Founding President of the American Limb Preservation Society (ALPS) and the Sothwetern Academic Limb Salvage Alliance (SALSA)

Every 1.2 seconds someone around the world develops a diabetic foot ulcer. Every 20 seconds, someone undergoes a diabetes-related amputation. Just like with cancer, these complications are profoundly life-shortening. The good news is that almost all of these complications can be identified and treated early. This early identification and care requires a team.

The captain of this team is the patient. This is why I am so excited to see the development of this beautiful publication. In the following pages, patients and their caregivers can find invaluable information that will help us eliminate preventable amputation over the next generation.

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